has announced that VOCALOID yumemi nemu‘s first compilation album is set for release on July 5th, 2017! The albums will pool together the talents of numerous titans in the VOCALOID world, as well as those of several famous contributors to!
7/5(水)にV.A.『VOCALOID 夢眠ネム』リリース決定‼『夢眠ねむ』の声を忠実に再現した『VOCALOID4 Library夢眠ネム』を用いて豪華クリエイター陣が楽曲を制作?見逃せない1枚になること間違いなし✨お楽しみに?
— でんぱ組.inc (@dempagumi) April 22, 2017
“VOCALOID yumemi nemu” Compilation Album to be released on 7/5 (Wed.)! A team of marvelous creators will all be using ‘VOCALOID4 Library yumemi nemu‘ to create the music? It’s sure to be a must-own album!✨ Look forward to it!?”
Album Info
Release Date: July 5th, 2017
Albums title: V.A.『VOCALOID 夢眠ネム』 (Compliation Album 「VOCALOID Yumemi Nemu」)
Price: ¥2,500 JPY (about $25 USD) plus tax
Confirmed Participating VOCALOID Producers
The following producers have been confirmed in the initial announcement to be contributing at least one nemu song each to the compilation album, many of whose names should sound quite familiar to VOCALOID fans!
Other Contributors
Besides the VOCALOID producers, other active musicians affiliated with will also have a hand in the album’s creation!
For instance, frequent writer of songs, Tamaya 2060% of Weinners fame, has also been confirmed to be lending his unique musical talents to one of the album’s songs.
Furthermore, MOSAIC.WAV will also be writing a duet that will be sung by both nemu and her voice provider, the singer who is also named Nemu Yumemi.
Next, YAMAHA’s own VOCALOID development team will be lending a hand by creating a yumemi nemu (the VOCALOID) and Tone Rion duet of the popular Nemu (the person) song, “Cosmic Melon Soda Magic Love.”
Finally, there will be an unnamed song with music composed by [email protected] and lyrics written by Nemu (again, the person).
With such a stellar lineup of both VOCALOID and non-VOCALOID producers alike, this is sure to be a wonderfully varied album for the barely two-month-old VOCALOID!
yumemi nemu Lessons at Kyoto Seika University
That’s not all of the exciting nemu news to report!
It was announced on Kyoto Seika University’s “Open Campus” orientation page that both Asin Kuroda and Nemu Yumemi (the person) will be leading a VOCALOID lecture on how to use yumemi nemu (the VOCALOID, of course) from 1:00 to 2:30 PM (JST) on Sunday, April 30th. Similar to what they have recently been doing in Nagoya and Osaka, they will be teaching beginners the basics of VOCALOID software usage, using nemu in their lessons. The site also mentioned that they will be revealing the “secret story behind nemu’s birth.” What do you suppose that could mean?
Official Links
Album Announcement
Kyoto Seika University Open Campus Page
yumemi nemu:
Official Site
Dempagumi Inc.:
Official Site