On July 30th, Vsinger announced a possible delay on YueZheng Longya due to investors doubting his popularity. Vsinger made a post on Weibo asking for 100,000 shares by August 31st to show the interest of fans.

On August 8th, only 9 days later, that goal was reached. The next day Vsinger made an announcement that they would show the post to their investors.

Today we finally got a word back from Vsinger on YueZheng Longya’s status.

“The proposal of Vocaloid 4 YueZheng Longya is now approved !
100k shares within 9 days, the passion from all of you was a big surprise ! The only thing that we can do to thank you is put all our effort on his voice bank !
Please recommend your ideal voice provider for YueZheng Longya in the comment section(Weibo) or just simply @ the person that you think is suitable to be his voice provider. YueZheng Longya’s voice provider will be chosen by the fans, and selected by VSinger. We will no longer use the “voting system”.(Illustration by Pora)”
In other words, you can recommend a voice provider! However, it is still Vsinger that will have the final decision on his voice.
You can go to their Weibo and input your recommendation in the comments here.