From October 29th to the 30th, VOCACON 2016, an arts and science convention celebrating voice synthesizers (VOCALOID, CeVIO, UTAU, etc.), will be held at the Yamaha Resort in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture, and VNN Japan’s Kowhey will be in attendance! Expect a full report of the event by the convention’s end, or on the following day!

What is VOCACON?
VOCACON is a 1-night, 2-day event that was arranged by enthusiastic fans of voice-synthesizing technology, and the various forms of media and fandom deriving from it (MikuMikuDance, figurines, cosplay, fan-made concerts, etc.). It is sponsored by a committee headed by NezMozz and celebrates VOCALOIDs like Hatsune Miku, IA, Yuzuki Yukari, etc.; UTAUs like Kasane Teto; and CeVIOs like Sato Sasara. VOCACON 2016 will be the third event of its kind.
Fans who are interested in seeing what VOCACON is like can click on the following links to visit the website “Togetter” (Japanese), which has compiled various tweets made by attendees and committee members of past VOCACON events!
「_0th Event_Timeline of the World VOCALOID Convention」
Here is a collection of tweets made about the first VOCACON convention, which was designated as the prototype “0th Event.” -
「__1st Event__Warehouse of Tweets for the World VOCALOID Convention」
And here is a collection of tweets made about last year’s VOCACON convention, the “1st Event.”
You can visit the official VOCACON 2016 website here (Japanese), and follow NezMozz on Twitter.
Originally written by Kowhey of VNN Japan.