November 20th marks the first anniversary of DEX & DAINA, and VNN is celebrating! We’ll be making an article about the two, featuring not only what they’ve been a part of within this first year of their creation, but also fan-made content of the two as well! Send us your DEX & DAINA creations to celebrate their birthday!
- All submissions must follow the fan submission guidelines.
- Submissions must feature either DEX, DAINA, or both of them. They can feature other VOCALOIDs as well, however DEX and/or DAINA must be the focus of the work. Example: We will not accept a song with DEX or DAINA as a backing singer unless the other is the main singer.
- We also ask that MMD videos feature DEX or DAINA singing. Example: Please don’t have DAINA dance to Miku singing “Popipo.”
- You can use any of the designs created by SteelEmissary and EmpathP. This includes the box art versions, the kemonomimi versions, the alternate human versions, and VOCAMERICA’s “Ginger Wolf DEX” and “Shadow Fox DAINA.” Images are provided below for reference.
- Please have your submissions in by Friday, November 18th at 11:59 PM (GMT).
DEX & DAINA Designs
Box Art Designs
Kemonomimi Designs
Alternate Human Designs

Ginger Wolf & Shadow Fox Versions
Bonus: Flufferpuffer Versions
Feel free to get as creative as you can! Remember that you can send us submissions via email, Twitter, or Facebook. We look forward to seeing everyone’s art and holding more showcases like this in the future!