There are lots of Stardust updates coming in! Stardust’s voice bank has been sent to YAMAHA for pending approval and she will be available in a few weeks if everything goes as planned. Preorders for her official album, art book, and voice bank will open with the release of her demo. Quadimension has also announced a list of artists who are included in the art book. Plans for an official figure have also been announced along with images featuring a 3D model.
Her official art book is titled “银河美术馆” (Gallery of Galaxy).
Expect to see illustrations from the winners of the art book contest as well as her official illustrators, Ideolo and November. They have also hired some very skilled and well known artists from China, Japan and Korea in order to include more content. They have announced the artists one by one with an introduction and a gallery of their previous artworks on their official Weibo.
Here is the complete list of the featured artists:
- Ran
- Nine
- 匙
- Rosele
- 唐不叮
- 青苔
- Bison仓鼠
- 韩一杰
- おにねこ (日)
- 119 (日)
- DSマイル (韩)
- Dangmil l(韩)
- M.VV
- swe3e2
- 薯子Imoko
- aZLing
- Nineo
- 千夜QYS3
- 零届Orz
- 小忍litsvn
- kaze
- Samail
- liduke
- 布丁
- 缺糖的芝士棒
- November
- ideolo
We currently do not know the price of the art book. However, rumor has it that the price will be reasonable. There has also been mention that the art book will be available at bookstores in China.
More details about the Stardust figure have been revealed. The official figure will be based on the illustration from ASK, and Myethos will be responsible for the modeling of the figure.

This illustration will be on display at WonFes 2016 on February 7th. There will also be more of Myethos’ work on display such as the “Queen of Heart” who is also based on ASK’s illustration.
Emote Design Event
Quadimension is now asking for more Stardust emotes!
There is no restriction for the image as long as it features Stardust in a cute or funny form. Artists will have the chance to receive one of the Stardust metal straps like the ones received in the art book contest. The winning emotes will be used in future Stardust events!
At the moment, we’re unsure of if people outside of China can participate or what their prize will be if they do. However, we plan to update as soon as we know.
Images: 西红柿信徒_TOMATO
There is currently no announced deadline for entries.
3D Model
Quadimension has uploaded a few images featuring a 3D model of Stardust. It was hinted that the model will be used for future concerts and live performances.
Details on the official outfit

The model is not yet complete.