While many VOCALOID voice banks are only able to cross synthesize with themselves, AHS recently announced quite the game changer. All AHS V3 and V4 voices minus Kaai Yuki will soon be capable of cross synthesizing with each other! This will allow you to create your own fanloids with AHS VOCALOIDs!
VOCALOIDs Capable of Cross Synthesis
The VOCALOIDs that will be capable of cross synthesizing with each other are:

Tohoku Zunko V4 Natural
Tohoku Zunko V3
Yuzuki Yukari V4 Jun
Yuzuki Yukari V4 Onn
Yuzuki Yukari V4 Lin
Yuzuki Yukari V3
Nekomura Iroha V4 Natural
Nekomura Iroha V4 Soft
Hiyama Kiyoteru V4 Natural
Hiyama Kiyoteru V4 Rock
SF-A2 Miki V4 Natural
Macne Nana V4
Macne Nana V4 Petit
Update: Macne Nana V3‘s Japanese bank will also be able to cross synthesize with other AHS voice banks.
Of course, you’ll have to own these VOCALOIDs to use their voice banks. You can buy digital downloads of Kiyoteru Natural and Rock, Iroha Natural and Soft, and miki Natural at the online VOCALOID store. You can also purchase copies of AHS VOCALOIDs from AHS’s online store. Plus, Kiyoteru’s V4 starter pack is still available on CD Japan if you’d like a physical version! To top it off, the starter pack also comes with the VOCALOID 4 Editor, letting anyone without it start right away!
In addition, AHS gave an example of this new cross synthesis during their latest live stream. Start around the 1:18:00 mark to get a listen!
We’ll all be looking forward to the new addition to cross synthesis capabilities. AHS is actually encouraging fans to use this to create their own fanloids as well! And with so many voices to choose from, the possibilities are endless.
So stay tuned for more information on this as it surfaces! We’ll be sure to let fans know when AHS releases any updates.